You long to feel the purity of life bereft of man’s possessive greed and live in peace as God intended or so you say.
Is this your truth or nostalgia of youth clinging from distant Scottish slums where promises of purity and peace hid reality’s repulsiveness.
Purity seemed absent when ideals of my youth were crushed under the weight of your pragmatism your fear infused with bitterness.
I seek not the role of critic but fear hypocrisy an umbilical cord I drag attached afraid to cut.
Afraid of absence I had choices I know life robbed you of yours wars, pandemics, depression.
Pig-in-the-middle young carer for grieving mother younger siblings, absent father let go what's past.
Won't you share your imperfections accept mine open your soul I have a need to see.
Same blood, same sex shared love for all that friendship absent.
A friend who shares with joys and triumphs losses, failures pain.
I too would shed the bindings of society as years go by the snare grows tighter.
No more excuses I must decide and soon I have two sons our legacy who pray.
Will feel the purity of life bereft of man’s possessive greed and live as God intended.
Beautiful Christine.