Poetry#16 – The Grave on Lowe Isle

The Grave on Lowe Isle


Beneath the vine-scrub tree

where pigeons coo a lullaby

and palm trees sigh

by water’s edge

stone arms enfold

your decayed body

your heart space clasped

in clam-shell hands

reach for a far-off land 





Adventurous daughter

what led you to this tiny cay?

voiceless stone confounds

who venture to this dot of sand

did you possess

a soul that wandered

in futile scientific search

though body surrendered

remaining with the nidicolous pigeon



Exiled sister

did you shed suffocating

bindings of Victoriana

a suffragette escaping

exchanging the satin cage

for mud, mould mosquitos

did you leave a mother


Poetry#17 – Jess of the Clearfell

Jess of the Clearfell


Eyebrows tangled in angry frown

angry mouth, furious hair

thin body, thin clothes

pierced navel, pierced heart

squatting on denuded forest floor

powdered dust coat calloused feet

wounded eyes confront, challenge

                        plastic obsessions, possessions
                        while ancient giants

                        chipped and pulped

                        become toilet paper.


Fearless spirit of the old-growth

battling the exterminators


the mute, the unheard

invisible ecosystems

the wallaby, the red-tail cockatoo                 500 yr old karri felled 
                                                   and left

a debt owed                       

complacent lives provoked

opening eyes, opening minds

to a thing of beauty

once lost, gone forever.

                                                   Stump of C700 yr-old tree. 
                                                   49 people stand upon it.

Wattle Block – January 1999

Poetry #18 – The Well

The Well




If, nearing the e           




you reach

love may sneak


into thirsty veins

bleeding your soul

from the boundaries

of your body.
If, reaching

You over bal


sweet sanction

may exile consternation

from cowering heart

dissolving self-deception

from evasive eyes.

If, u-n-c-o-n-n-e-c-t-i-n-g

you remain

a fearful distance

on pitted path

behind defensive wall

sheltering canopy

receptive depths





The Madness of Purple









Pliny proclaimed: pardon the mad desire for purple    

rank it with gold in the realms of Gods  

Sail south to Mediterranean middens

abandoned by Phoenicians recording

legions of Tyrian shellfish sacrificed

for one purple hat.


Justinian’s purple love coloured

Theodora’s royal robes

and chapel walls in Ravenna

In Constantinople night fell

secret purple wandered lost


Salute the rising sun

take the road

winding left of history’s page

find a pea plant in India pulsating

with molecules of Imperial Purpura

Turn left again seek the indigo road

to Egyptian mummies in violet edged shrouds

bound by empirical yearning

purple remains to capture life’s glory


The Hebrew God bade Moses regale

the fringes of prayer shawls with sacred

secret tekhelet – the colour of kings

Now wandering lost in purple desert

fringes remain forever white.


The mordant links

the circle turns

to fabric mills of Paris London Glasgow

purple partners with blood milk metal

purple resists while painters printers chemists

conspire and feckless fashion faddishly calls

to festoon ladies in lavender frocks


Sail south again where guano from Peru

paves the winding road

coal tar and aniline cobalt and ultramarine

dance over fabric

Wend west to home

Behold the Jacaranda

The madness of purple lives on.